RheaVita provides continuous freeze-drying technology for (bio)pharmaceutical products and ATMPs allowing fast product and process development (with limited product material consumption), scaling and manufacturing. Our technology integrates all freeze-drying process step unit operations in a continuous production line with the constant infeed of products and the concomitant outfeed of the dried product. Our single vial continuous freeze-drying system allows very fast product and process development and optimization with very limited product material consumption. These optimized process and formulation settings can then immediately be transferred to manufacturing scale without scaling issues. Our manufacturing approach hence allows fast product development, allows fast freeze-drying (typically within 1-2 hours), avoids scale-up issues, reduces cycle times, reduces time-to-market, lowers production costs, makes use of smaller manufacturing installations, requires much less clean room space, provides improved quality assurance (100% inspection with inherent potential for real-time-release) and leads to improved and uniform product quality and process uniformity.
More info: RheaVita