Event : the complexity of sharing data along the ATMP value chain.

On March 23rd the ATMP Logistics Excellence Centre will tackle ‘the complexity of sharing data along the ATMP value chain’. It is the first roundtable in a series focusing on ATMP and the supply chain challenges involved.

The program is filled with experienced speakers, though as usual we also provide time for Q&A and networking.

The program:

• 14h00 Keynote Peter Hinssen ‘The never normal’

• 15h15 Roundtable moderated by Frank Van Gelder (Secretary General pharma.aero):
o Ingrid Maes (Inovigate)
o Andreas Göbel (Hypertrust)
o Erik Agterhuis (Supply Chain Expert – Life Cell Science)
o Jacques Parlongue (MyCellHub)
o Martin Lippens (Deloitte)
o Herwig Mannaert (NSX)

• 18h00 Networking

We have managed to attract a compelling keynote speaker with Peter Hinssen. He is a sought after speaker worldwide, discussing the impact of technology on society and the digital world. He is a lector at several renowned institutions such as London Business School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Antwerp Management School.

The panel discussion brings together experts who can shed light on the subject of ‘data exchange along the ATMP value chain’ from different angles. With them we explore:

  • who is part of the ATMP value chain
  • what data needs to be shared
  • how new technologies can assist
  • what type of integrated systems should emerge

There is ample opportunity to ask questions both during and after the event.


You can order tickets for the event here.

There are two ticket categories:

1. Seats at 175 euro / ticket excl. VAT
2. Active audience seats at 250 euro / ticket excluding VAT

at.las members that are academic developers will not be invoiced and can attend for free

The seats of the active audience are located around the debate table and people sitting there can actively participate / ask questions during the discussion.

Location:  building Isala, Galileilaan 11, 2845 Niel, Belgium.

February 28th