Life-on-Chip Conference

Do you want to know more about the latest cross-over innovations?

Then you certainly have to attend the 2nd ‘Life-on-Chip’ Conference – Enabling personalized medicine through cross-over innovations’ organized in Leuven on 20-21 February 2020 by SMARTHUB Flemish Brabant together with DSP Valley,, BioWin, Antleron, IBN Space 4.0, VIB, EIT Health and imec.

Micro- and nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, design thinking, robotics, novel manufacturing technologies and big data made major impacts across all industries, but perhaps their greatest potential impact will be in health and life sciences. Combined with ever-growing biological insights and discoveries, resulting innovations will enable amazing applications that can make personalized medicine a reality.

Main topics

Health and life sciences
Personalized medicine
Micro- and nanotechnology
Artificial intelligence
Design thinking
Novel manufacturing technologies
Big data

Why attend?

  • Make new connections during networking moments and B2B meetings
  • Meet international partners and experts
  • Discover Flanders’ technology communities in, amongst others, life sciences, health, micro- and nanotechnology and space
  • Work together on new cross-over solutions in healthcare
  • Join forces with equally innovative and groundbreaking European partners.

Who should attend?

SME’s including start-ups, large companies, research institutes, cluster organizations and other stakeholders active in technology, life sciences and healthcare.

Registrations are open until February 14th.

Register he